Dream of Things Unseen

In my last blog (What’s in a Name?) I was just excited.  Today, I’m super excited!  As the world holds its collective breath and hangs in the balance awaiting the results of the election, as each moment of anticipation passes and each fearful heart dips deeper into the pits of despair, I wallow around in a state of glee over the outcome.  It doesn’t matter what it is.  Whatever it is stands to wake us up to the realization that this is not the world that we deserve, and we have the power to change it into something better.

Today I am super excited because regardless of outcome, I hold the vision of the Phoenix rising from the ashes.  If we view the problems of our country and the world through the eyes of fear, we will become more deeply enmeshed in the belief that there is no hope. Yet where there is destruction, there is rebirth.

But how do we rise from the ashes?  How do we climb out of a hole so deep that we can barely see a faint glimmer of light to guide us out of the darkness?  

We do it by reaching up the ladder of consciousness to embrace and create a vision of something better.  We do it by harnessing the energy within and using it to draft the imagination into service on behalf of the creation of a new and improved version of our world. 

When all else fails and I need to find an answer to a what-do-I-want question, I enlist the sure-fire, never-fail Ben Franklin approach to decision-making. By a simple process of drawing a line down the center of a piece of paper and listing on the left side all of the things that I don’t want and on the right side the things that I do want, by the time I reach the end of both columns on the page, my vision is crystal clear.  Good old Ben.  What a clever guy!

What do you want for yourself, for this world, for our country, for humanity, for the planet and all kingdoms that call it home?  If you could write the script and paint a picture of a new future, how would it look?  If you could eliminate all of the don’t wants and replace them with wants, what would be on your list? What kind of a world would you create?  

Imagination is the beginning of vision, the birthplace of creation.  Vision offers the glimmer of light that leads us out of the darkness.  Vision is the switch that turns on the light of possibility along with the awareness that we are powerful, creative, wondrous beings capable of raising our individual and collective consciousness to a higher level.  The thoughts born of imagination and seen through the eyes of vision help uplift the suffering, heal division, restore unity, and create a brand new world born of truth, beauty, and goodness.  Such a world does not need guns, or a government that rules the people, or one that wrests control from citizens, or robs the population of freedom and joy.    

We cannot control the outcome of an election.  But we can control our thoughts. The ability and willingness to change how we see, to create a vision of something better than what seems to exist now, will change the outcome from despair to hope.  But it is up to us, individually and collectively, to each one who harbors the faintest hope that something better is on the horizon to decide to join the consciousness revolution and raise our sights to a higher level.  

I know that we have the power within us to do just that.  I have faith and hope that humanity has awakened enough to join in an upward journey toward the return of unity and wholeness. I believe that our creative imagination and collective vision of restoration will bring us together into the light of a beautiful new world.  And that’s why I’m super excited.  

We are standing on the brink of possibility with a new book of history waiting to be written. We are the Soul of Humanity capable of creating a new story, a new reality, and we are powerful. We can imagine, we can envision, we can dream, we can achieve.   Let’s join hands and hearts and just imagine!

On behalf of true seekers the world over, may we all channel and embrace the Don Quixote within ourselves and dream of turning the impossible into a dream of reality.

Note:  The photo above is courtesy of New Waves of Light, a website designed by anonymous individuals around the world who share the intention of bringing light and love to a world of darkness and chaos. (newwavesoflight.org or NWOL.us)

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