Onward, Upward, and Inward


Today marks the two-week anniversary of my daily writing commitment and in another six days, I will celebrate the four-month anniversary of a black TV screen.  Not bragging, not complaining, just saying.

I reread A Night Without TV Link and was reminded that my intention is, was, and always will be, to do whatever it takes to move one step further ahead on the path toward enlightenment.  Sometimes it’s a big ask, but the rewards are greater than the sacrifice.  It takes time and patience to make progress along the way, and sometimes forward motion is not visible until seen in the rear view mirror.

No TV is a big ask, right up there with quit smoking, give up wine, and get a dog.  I did it all because I don’t want to risk being sucked back into another lifetime by my addictions, if you believe in that sort of thing.  If I come back, I want it to be because I want to, not because I need a glass of wine or a cigarette.

Ah, but I digress.  What have I done to fill the gaping hole left by a blank TV screen?  The only thing I know for sure is that I haven’t used the time to dismantle the stack of paper on my desk.  Beyond that, I cannot say, exactly.  Meanwhile it seems that I have finally decided to act upon the guidance that I received while in the midst of writing the no-TV blog, and I quote:

“I say to myself, “Self,” I say?  What am I supposed to be doing with all of this blank-screen TV-less time on my hands?”

And my Self says to me, “Write your own story.  Tell your own truth.  Say it like it is in your world and do not concern yourself with how it is perceived.  Judgment is not your job.  Your job is simply to write.”

So I write.  I clog up in-boxes with whatever comes to mind, be it ever so helpful, annoying, good, bad, or indifferent.  It may or may not ever be read, but I truly appreciate those who take the time to do so.  Meanwhile, in a week or so, I may have another little chat with my Self about the possibility of reevaluating and/or readjusting the writing schedule.  Perhaps it would make sense to move to a three-day a week plan.  We’ll see how that works out.

There will come a time when I look in the rear view mirror and clearly see the magnificent gifts of growth and learning that come along with the big asks.  Meanwhile, I plod along day by day with faith that I am on the path to higher consciousness and I’ll get there in this lifetime or the next, or maybe the next.  There is nowhere to go but up and within.  With  time and patience on my side I’ll get there eventually.  Inch by inch. Hallelujah!


Note:  The photo above is courtesy of New Waves of Light, a website designed by anonymous individuals around the world who share the intention of bringing light and love to a world of darkness and chaos. (newwavesoflight.org or NWOL.us).   

4 thoughts on “Onward, Upward, and Inward”

  1. Grady – Originally from South Africa. Living near the swamps in Louisiana. I enjoy taking photos of anything that catches my eye. I have taken to shuffling a few words together to accompany my photos on my blogs. Just having a little fun out there :)
    Grady says:

    I got rid of my TV and life is so much calmer these days 🙂

    1. Sometimes I still miss it, but I’ll get over it eventually. It’s SUCH a waste of precious time! Thanks for your comment, and thank you for following!

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