Just Imagine


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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Hmmm.  Day 748 of the virus shut-down and as each day passes the stack of stuff on my desk gets taller.  Yesterday I was going to tackle it right after I posted daily Voices.  Well, that didn’t happen, did it?

And why is that?

Well, my car died in the garage.  My friends Heather and Jim jump-started it and off we went to the dealer for a new battery and regular service, which of course required a return trip for pick up.  (Hint: it pays to start your car before 748 days roll by.)  Then there was a walk, a nap, and excessive trips to the kitchen for exercises in refrigerator foraging. Beyond that, I can’t remember.  If we all get out of this thing without becoming raging alcoholics, obsessive germaphobes, or the size of a blimp we’ll be on top of the game.

I just read a post by Tony Bologna (love the name) that talks about his fear of wasting time.  Not me.  I’m good at it—in fact, it’s what I do best.  Practice is the key.  Even as a child, I remember sitting idly on the back porch staring out into the space above neighboring rooftops and hanging out with myself just being.  It was glorious then, and it hasn’t lost its magic.  Maybe that’s what I was doing yesterday that I can’t remember.  Maybe I just zoned out on the world for a while.

On one hand, I might call it procrastination—another one of my strong points.  On the other, it could just be a matter of allowing my mind to drift off into the ethers where imagination lives, to a place where creation takes place and thoughts can be played out in the mind and possibilities explored, where futures can be written and rewritten based upon what feels like the best option, and where the mind can be used to heal, forgive, bless, and love.

So maybe I’ll get to that nagging stack of paper today before it topples over and buries me alive, or maybe not.  Maybe I’ll get to those phone calls that I’ve promised myself that I would make, or maybe not.  Recently, I’ve been hearing a lot of folks mumble about feeling lazy during this time, and putting off what doesn’t have to be done today because we seem to have a whole lot of tomorrows waiting in store.  Maybe not.

Maybe this is the perfect time to set aside the gotta-do’s and sit on the back porch and dream a while.  Dream of the possibilities.  Dream about how to create a new and better world, not just for yourself but for all of us.  Dream about what it would be like to live in a peaceful world where love is the leader and harmony rules.  What better moment than this to just sit, think, and dream up a new and vastly improved world?  As it is my assignment to write daily, perhaps it is also our joint assignment to write a new future for ourselves.  We have it in us.  We need only do it.

There really is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and it’s waiting for us to claim it.  So what say you?  Are you in?  Can you be counted on to help rewrite the future and dream up a new world?  Can you just imagine such a thing?  I hope so, because, let’s face it, we need all the help we can get.  You and your thoughts matter!


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