Where’s the Pony?


Have you ever acted on an idea that seemed like a perfect solution to a dilemma only to watch it crash and burn before it ever got off the ground?  It seemed like an inspired idea at the time, but perhaps I was delusional, or maybe I was listening to that sneaky voice of the ego that loves to have me think that it’s a whole lot smarter than the part of me that is really smart.

What would be really smart would be making the sincere effort to find out more about who the really smart one is and pay more attention to it.  The thing is, I really thought that I had.

I suppose I could consider that I lost the battle, but in retrospect, I can see that nothing is ever lost.  Every apparent defeat brings with it the inherent opportunity to review the situation and find the benefit within it.  On one hand, it may be tempting to consider rejection as a failure and allow it to be the spark that ignites the flame of self-doubt, extinguishing any hope of a happy ending.  On the other, it offers an opportunity to seek and find another path to accomplish the same end, perhaps one that is even better than the first.  There’s always good news, even amidst what seems to be the bad.  Rejection is just a divine spark that lights the fire of renewed effort.

When caught in the middle of a battlefield of opinion, sometimes the best that one can do is observe the fray and hold the vision that at some point, opponents will see the light of day, put down their weapons, and enjoy a peaceful resolution that is for the common good to all.

I am reminded of the enthusiastic kid waist deep in horse manure digging through the muck looking for the pony.  I love that kid.  He just goes for it, doesn’t care how messy it gets, and hangs on to the idea that in the end he’s going to find what he wants the most.  I want to be just like him when I grow up.

In a world full of manure, I’m going for the ponies.

There is a way.  There is always a way.  We just need to find it.

Note:  The photo above is courtesy of New Waves of Light, a website designed by anonymous individuals around the world who share the intention of bringing light and love to a world of darkness and chaos. (newwavesoflight.org or NWOL.us).

8 thoughts on “Where’s the Pony?”

  1. Dear Julia, I hope you are right…. sometimes I wonder…. “There’s always good news, even amidst what seems to be the bad.” Today, as I read the news, I am struggling to find the good. This is when I have to breathe and pray and trust that the good is coming. That is the best I can do today.

    1. Oh, I SO understand. Sometimes breathing, praying and trusting is all we can do, and sometimes I think that it really is the best we can do. And yes, today is certainly one of those days. Your light shines brilliantly through the dark, dear Nancy, and I, for one, deeply appreciate it. And you.

    1. Oh my goodness, Lance, what an incredibly heartwarming comment. Thank you so much for your kind words and good thoughts. I am honored to be followed by one of such wisdom and talent. If you don’t see any likes from me, it is because my like button is temperamental. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but I’ll keep on trying! Blessings.

      1. It is such a wonderful pleasure, Julia. I wish you continued success with your wonderful writing. Quite understandable about your ‘like’ button. Best wishes, Lance.

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