The Road to Somewhere


The thing that amazes me about this daily writing gig is that it starts as nothing and ends up as something.  Sit in chair, computer on lap, fingers on keys, nothing.  Here we go again, what now?  Sigh.  Sometimes it feels like a mighty struggle, and sometimes fingers fly and the thing just writes itself.  I prefer the latter, but today feels more like a struggle.

Why is that, I wonder?  I start off headed in one direction and end up wandering down a path that leads to an unknown destination.  It helps to have a goal in mind lest I find myself traveling blindly down a road toward an end that I did not seek to find.  But hey—maybe that’s not always a bad thing.  Maybe it was meant to be, who knows?

Come to think of it, my life has been a lot like that.  Kind of a go-with-the-flow, seat-of-the-pants adventure.  It is comforting to know that whatever happens and wherever I land, there is always good news, for there is experience to be gained and lessons to be learned.  Classroom Earth offers an amazing curriculum, perfectly timed and tailored to suit each individual need.  No road traveled is a waste because eventually it will lead back to the destination, even if the destination may seem obscure at any given time.  Sort of like today’s gig.  I’ll get there eventually, even if I don’t exactly know where is.  All I need is just a little faith.

If I had a goal it would help.  What might that be?  Hmmm.  How about this?  How about feeling really good about pushing the publish button?  How about feeling that it doesn’t have to be perfect, and that however it turns out, it’s all okay?  How about letting it just be what it is without judging it, or myself, or caring what anybody thinks of it?  Well that would be pretty awesome, right?

Indeed.  Have you considered the lessons that you are learning as you fulfill your daily writing commitment?

Well kind of and sort of, but not really.  Not thoroughly.  I know they’re there, but maybe that’s a topic for another day.

Would you care to share about your experience of writing today?

Sure.  It was a struggle at first.  But after several starts and stops, it got easier.  It just sort of flowed.  Again, a lot like my entire life.  It’s not always easy but it sure is worth it.

When do you think that it became easier?

About the time when I gave up on my little self and turned it over to You.

How will you feel today when you push the pubish button?

Pretty darned good, I think.  Thank you.

It is Our pleasure indeed.  We know that it takes great courage serve others by your willingness to share from the heart and be who you are.  We love you and We thank you.

My gratitude to You as always, and as a way of saying thank you, I shall push the publish button and feel really good about it.  Ta dah!

Note:  The photo above is courtesy of New Waves of Light, a website designed by anonymous individuals around the world who share the intention of bringing light and love to a world of darkness and chaos. ( or  

2 thoughts on “The Road to Somewhere”

  1. Loooove your writings! Keep going!

    Speaking of going…I decided, that with Himself safely (if not happily!) tucked away in Rehab, I am going to my DC home tomorrow, my sanctuary. to be blissfully alone there. Tara has been staying there in my room, for 5 weeks, checking on her kids at dinner time.She had a long overdue meltdown & needed space. But I’m reclaiming mine!

    When Poerce returns home I will really be on duty again! Plus will have a nurse as a live-in. Maybe Joe too till he gets it together to move himself out. Phew!

    Yesterday I was too exhausted to walk the dogs. Today — after soon shopping for & delivering Pierce’s miscellaneous requests — I shall rest to have energy for the drive with the dogs. I have arranged for Joe, who is now staying at my DC house whilst working there for my friend Mark, to come to RB & do messy house chores since he is on my payroll thru May. Too much to manage! Onward we go! love, Ginny

    Ginny Daly 202.420.9550 5401 Potomac Ave NW, WDC 20016 7 Tidewater, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 “Anything worth doing is worth overdoing”


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