Who is Speaking Please?


Voices, voices, voices.  They come in many flavors, not all of them tasty nor appealing.  This morning they’re badgering me about writing so much about me, me, me, I, I, I, as if I am the most fascinating, fabulous creature whoever walked the face of the planet.

B-o-r-i-ng!  I mean, really.  Who cares?  Am I really so shallow that I have nothing to talk about other than myself?  Really, who cares?

Hey—this is kind of fun!

Could you expound upon that please?

Yeah.  It’s like the old days, the old Conversations, (A New Day is Dawning) when I’d just sit down and let ‘er rip, so to speak.  It was an exhilarating experience that gave me such a sense of freedom to just blabber on and on about whatever popped into my head at any given moment.  I couldn’t wait to get the fingers flying on the keyboard without censorship, editing, rewriting, or thought about what anyone might think.  Unless and until, of course, the idea of putting it out into the world popped into my mind.  Then I’d either freak out with fear of vulnerability or see myself featured on Oprah touting a best seller.  No in between.  Somewhere nestled between faith and fear, it was an incredibly wonderful tool that helped me sort through the tangle of voices that were in constant competition for my attention and for the control of my heart, head and mind.

Even better, I didn’t fret in the night and lose sleep over what to write about or what words were going to show up on the page.  Absent was the fear that I would let myself down by quitting in the middle of my assignment.  Now here I am, five days after my relaunched commitment, and that glorious sense of freedom has morphed into hard work, and I can’t say that I’m very happy about it.  Now, daily writing feels more like a chore and less like a joy.  It’s not the way I want to start a day and it’s not the what I want to look forward to for the rest of my life if I am to keep my commitment.  The idea of spending half of every day writing a blog is off-putting.  It would be so much better to just be able to incorporate it into my morning quiet time and be up about the rest of the day before the clock hits 9:00 am.  I want it to be easy.  I always want everything to be easy.  It suits my lazy nature.

So that’s it, folks.  That’s a tiny touch of Conversations for whatever it’s worth.  To quote the esteemed Forest Gump,  “. . . you never know what you’re gonna get.”  Neither do I.  But that’s the fun of it.

But here’s the thing—amidst the cacophony of voices that clamor for attention and control, there is ONE that will always have your best interest at heart.  The key to finding it is to be still, listen in the silence, and you will hear.

That said and before signing off today, I’d like to leave you with a question.  Did any of this bring to mind something worth pondering?   Any thoughts, questions, or ideas worth thinking about?  If so, I would love to hear from you in the comments section.

It’s 8:37 am and I’m ready to push the publish button.  It may not be perfect, but it is what it is.  Now that makes me happy.  Whatever makes you happy, do it, I say!

May your day be glorious and may the voices in your head be silent except the one that loves you unconditionally.

Note:  The beautiful image and meme above is courtesy of New Waves of Light (nwol.us).

2 thoughts on “Who is Speaking Please?”

  1. Dear Julia, Your blog makes me smile in recognition of the truths uncovered. Why don’t you commit to writing once or twice a week. It might be more manageable.

    1. What a good thought Nancy. It’s certainly worth thinking about and certainly a lot less likely to clog up in boxes! I feel a sense of relief already! I’ll toss it into the think tank. Much love! 💕

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