Speaking for MySelf


I’m kinda new at this blogging thing—I’ve only been at it for about three months now, and being the baby blogger that I am, I am still struggling to find my voice.  I tend to write whenever the spirit hits me with an idea, which could be anything and everything, once a day or once a month—and when I sit down to write, I’m never sure what’s coming or where it’s going.

People ask, “What is your blog about?”  Well, I wish I knew, but I really can’t say for sure.  Sometimes it’s serious, sometimes silly nonsense, sometimes spiritual, sometimes a tad irreverent.  What can I say?  Would that I had all the answers.  It’s a little like a day in my life when I plan to go about it with intention but somewhere along the line I’ve wandered off course and wind up at a destination I didn’t have in mind when I first started out.

My erratic writing habits give those who know and love me a chance to stick by my side and love me in spite of myself.  As for the rest of you, well that’s entirely up to you, but I’d be really happy if you’d hang in there with me on my journey to wherever and allow yourself to be as surprised by the ending as I often am.

Take today, for example.  I sit down with my journal and take pen in hand.  An unexpected conversation shows up on the page.

“I am always here to talk with you.”

The vague recollection of a conversation seeps into my awareness and I wonder—did I imagine that?  Dream it?  Read it?

“You are never alone.”

Hmm.  No wonder that my blog is called Voices in my Head.

Who is speaking, I ask?

“It is the Lord,” says the voice.

The Lord?  Do you mean God?  That Lord, I ask?

“I am the Lord of your Being, the voice that speaks to and for your soul.  I am the voice of your higher self.  I, along with others form a group comprised of those who are your guides, angels, teachers, protectors, and guardians.  Together we are a team assigned the task of keeping your best interests in mind and heart, and we function as a group under the leadership of the One who is in charge of your spiritual journey.

‘We speak on behalf of The Great Lord, the team of Jesus the Christ, the Holy Spirit, All That Is.  Our job is to help guide you back to your true home.  On behalf of the Great One, we teach love, forgiveness, kindness, and compassion.

‘We invite you to allow your voice to be the voice for all that is good, of all that is truly helpful. We challenge you to gather the courage to use your voice on behalf of The Great One with the wild abandon of the eagle that flies with wind beneath its wings, soaring for the sheer joy and the freedom that it brings.

‘We urge you to simply allow the spirit of this message to live in your heart, and not become caught up in the mechanics of terminology which the ego would use against you to derail your journey.  Simply allow what is to just be, and relax and enjoy your journey.  We are with you each step along the way.”

End of conversation—at least for today.

Okay, so do you see what I mean?  I don’t know what’s coming next folks, but whatever it is, I think I’ll sit back, relax, and watch to see what unfolds along the way.  Meanwhile, I’m just going to spend some quality time hanging out with my teammates with gratitude and appreciation for the miracles that they perform on my behalf, and for the blessings that they endlessly shower upon me.

I enjoy my little chats with my team.  I hope that you enjoy mine with you.  If you do, please push the “follow” button on my blog site and you’ll receive emails notifying you when I post a new blog.  To quote the over-quoted legendary Forest Gump, “Life is like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you’re gonna get.”  I hope that you’ll be willing to dig in and enjoy the whole box—even if it means that you must take the risk of getting the jelly one that you’d rather spit out than swallow.

One of the things that I love about blogging is that I can make mistakes and don’t have to follow the rules.  There’s nobody to correct me or tell me that I’m doing something wrong.  Love that!  It’s a place where I can be myself, and don’t have to worry about being perfect, but instead can do my best to do the best I can, and maybe as time goes my best will keep on getting better. Meanwhile, you, dear reader, if you wish to do so, have the opportunity to practice forgiveness and love me anyway (and my incorrect grammar and punctuation) in spite of myself.  Isn’t that great?  Isn’t God great?

Before I close, I’d like to share a little PS news flash that just happened before I could put the final “amen” to this little epistle.

I was as happy as a little lark just finishing my blog when I hear the ominous sound of wretching coming from the direction of the dog.  Uh oh—I know what that means!  Charlie has moved himself from his bed on the hardwood floor to the carpet (why do they always do that?) while I start saying NO NO NO in my insistent STOP THAT voice.  I jump out of my Lazygirl to get to him in time to redirect the action away from the carpet back to the hardwood but as I try to stand up, the calf of my leg is gripped by a Charlie horse and I am temporarily and painfully disabled.  Meanwhile, Charlie continues to wretch while I continue to curse at my inability to reach him in time to avoid the inevitable.  Curses indeed!  My leg returns to functional just in time to clean up the mess.  Gee thanks for the dreaded chocolate covered jelly, Charlie dog.  Were you and Charlie horse in cahoots?

Oh—did I mention?  Those voices in my head sometimes have a wicked sense of humor.  Haha.  Very funny, you guys.  Thanks for the opportunity to remember that it’s not what happens to me that matters—it’s the how do I handle it that counts.  Oh yeah, and thanks for the humorous little antidote to end my story as a diversion from the serious back into the silly.  I know that you dog lovers out there can relate!

That’s it for now, folks.  I’ll see you next time (I hope)!  I wish you blessings, miracles, and grace today and every day.




12 thoughts on “Speaking for MySelf”

  1. I not only love you “anyway”, I love you and your blogs! They are wonderful…this one especially as I relate totally! By the way, I am also so happy to see the photo of sweet Charlie! He looks wonderful! I have two little ones, Sophie, the Malti-poo we brought with us from Florida and our new little black Schnauzer, Scooter. They will both be 7 years old this month. We rescued Scooter last July after losing Bella January 2017. She was our 14 year Labradoole who also made the journey from Florida to Arizona in September 2016.

    1. It’s so nice to hear from you Mollie! Thanks for your comment and I would love to see pictures of Sophie and Scooter sometime. They sound adorable. I’d love to see you! Is there hope?

  2. Aunt Julia! The “Charlie” ending anecdote gave me a much-needed belly laugh. You told that so well! I love you and greatly respect your intentionality with your blog. LOVE, Connie

  3. The Path to My Heart – My path of life experiences has now led me to you, my reader. If you are just awakening into understanding we are more than what appears on the surface, and questioning what we are told is our reality – than this site is for you!! I’ve shared my learning here in hopes that it will make your path smoother!
    DonnaG says:

    Nice! and looking forward to what you create in your blog!! I don’t get it – always the carpet, never the floor?? That is something that we can always count on! Thanks! Donna

  4. Julia, I truly love the voices you share with us. Blessed are those who get to be your neighbor and friend! Love, Love, Love to you and to my precious Charlie.


  5. Grady – Originally from South Africa. Living near the swamps in Louisiana. I enjoy taking photos of anything that catches my eye. I have taken to shuffling a few words together to accompany my photos on my blogs. Just having a little fun out there :)
    Grady says:

    Hi Julia, I am thoroughly enjoying your posts. I, too, am a new blogger and am finding my way around. I love how supportive everyone is and how positive they all are with everyone’s blogs. We all have to start somewhere and it is so nice to see oldies supporting newbies and so on. Thanks for coming in to visit with me on my blog and thanks for the follow. Very much appreciated 🙂

    1. Hello new blog friend! Thank you for your encouraging comments. Finding my way around various blog sites is sometimes a little confusing and therefore it takes me a little time to figure out how to respond! For some reason I did not receive an email announcing your last post but found it accidentally by clicking on my followers list. Thanks to you too for following my blog and also for all of your likes! I enjoy your blogs very much. Cheers! Julia

      1. Grady – Originally from South Africa. Living near the swamps in Louisiana. I enjoy taking photos of anything that catches my eye. I have taken to shuffling a few words together to accompany my photos on my blogs. Just having a little fun out there :)
        Grady says:

        Hi Julia! Thanks for the follow! Seems we are both new at this 🙂 I must say I enjoy visiting so many wonderful blogs and I am very pleased to have come across yours. Chat again soon!

  6. Good Morning Grady! Yes, there certainly is a big, wide, wonderful world of bloggers out there–it’s a world that I never knew existed until I dipped a toe into it. What a great discovery. It’s such a great venue for creativity and sharing of all sorts! Love it! Thanks for all your likes! “See” you soon . . .

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