The Temple of the Soul


How many times have you found yourself hanging out in your closet wondering what to wear?  How often have you risked catching a cold with in your head stuck in the fridge wondering what’s for dinner?  Since my daily blogging adventure began, a new what question has been added to my list.  What shall I write today?  Have pity on me.

Uh oh—it looks as if today might be shaping up to be one of those soul-searching kind of days, so if you’re not into that sort of thing, now might be a good time to bail out before it’s too late.  But if you have the stomach for it, read on.  You never know what’s coming, but we’ll find out together.

My morning writing routine usually begins with a paragraph that just shows up all by itself, then leaves me wondering where to go next.  I fidget for a while, doing my best to fend off the inevitable distractions—pitchers that fall off of bookshelves, (here) fingernails that need attention, self-questioning that leads to the search for purpose and meaning.  Why am I doing this?  Is anyone listening?  How long must I continue?  Is this a spirit-directed thing or is it ego driven?  Or both?

Sometimes while in the midst of all of this mental fidgeting, the really heavy-duty questions typical of a serious, spiritually-oriented soul searcher pop up.  Who am I?  Why am I here?  What is my purpose?

Uh oh.  Now I’m stuck.  Writer’s block strikes again.  Today is high up on the where-to-go-next list.  Perhaps it’s time for a little chat with myself.  My Self.

Have I choked off the flow?

No, you are just not open to it.  You have momentarily decided that there is no flow, or that if there is, you are not privy to tit.

Or right.  Silly me.  Cut myself off again.  I need a haircut.  Me and the rest of the world.  There I go again with the distractions.  Typical.

The problem today is that you have momentarily lost sight of your purpose for writing a daily blog.  In addition to that, you have not taken enough time to go within yourself to be still, and thus you have also lost touch with the source of your creativity.

Yes, I have.  Lost it.

There is a difference between writing daily and writing a blogDaily assumes that you are writing for yourself, in a personal journal, for example.  A blog will be seen by other eyes which then begs the question, who are you writing for and why are you writing?  What is the purpose?

You are writing for you.  It helps you to see clearly, sort through personal issues, find solutions, reconnect with your source, be refueled, rejuvenated, restored.  It returns you to the stability of the soul and rescues you from the clutches of the ego.  You need only become proficient in distinguishing between your writings that are private and personal for your eyes only, and those which are for other eyes.

If there is benefit to you, there will be benefit for others as well, so in that sense, you are writing both for yourself and for others.  Again we remind you that your task is simply to write, to be a messenger.  What happens from there should be of no concern.

Ahh.  Thank you for reminding me.  It is through writing that I am returned home to the temple of the soul.  What a blessed relief.

Note:  The photo above is courtesy of New Waves of Light, a website designed by anonymous individuals around the world who share the intention of bringing light and love to a world of darkness and chaos. ( or

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